Your personal data will be used to process your order, support your experience throughout this website, and for other purposes described in our privacy policy.
In this section you will find all the information you need including: TOS, FAQ, News, Offers and so on, which will be updated periodically.
If you buy a product from this store it means that you have agreed with what is written in this T.O.S.:
Refunds are not accepted for products that are functional because all sales are final, instead you enjoy a warranty for the product you purchased as presented in the description of each product. Refund is possible and accepted only if during the warranty period the product cannot be replaced with a functional one. Products that have LIFETIME WARRANTY do not enjoy a refund either, because this service cannot be delimited in time and is at the discretion of the supplier.
It is mandatory that within 24 hours from the date of receipt of the purchased product is to leave feedback, of form: ” Product name ” X Number of products purchased = Your comment etc.; Ex: ” Netflix ” X 1 = Fast transaction, functional product, Thank you etc. If you delay accessing the link that gives you the opportunity to provide this feedback then it will expire and you will no longer be able to provide this feedback and by default you lose your warranty. If you do not leave feedback then the warranty of the purchased product will be voided without any exception; SO, NO FEEDBACK, NO WARRANTY !
The answers to your questions as well as the delivery time are clearly specified in the description of each product (… between XX – XX hours max….) and may differ from one product to another, because all the purchased products are carefully checked before they reach in the buyer’s possession, personally by me, so that the buyer receives a perfectly functional product.;
Do not change any of the details of the purchased product such as email or password, etc. because the warranty will be voided. In some instances changes may be allowed only when this is clearly stated in the description of the product that is going to purchase;
Be reasonable and do not try to make chargeback because you will be blacklisted in this store and your personal data including: IP, name, payment details, etc. it will become public all over the internet.
ADVICE: Regardless of the situations that may arise for various reasons and you do not know what to do or what decisions to make, regardless of the problem you face, whether you are a buyer or not, it is advisable to contact me using the “Contact” section of this store or by writing directly to [email protected] to get all the details that can help you make the right decision.
F.A.Q. = Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I enjoy the warranty ?
A: To enjoy the warranty you must leave feedback for the product you purchased. This is a mandatory condition that does not support any exception. If one of the products purchased from this store stops working properly then you can contact me using the “Contact” section in which to specify the name of the purchased product, the error message, etc. and the order ID you received when you purchased the product. ASAP the product will be checked and if the problem cannot be fixed you will receive a new product.
Q: Do you have another time variant for the product I want ?
A: The vast majority of products in this store have other variants presented at the bottom of the description of each product called “Offer”. If your desired product does not have these desired variants you can use the “Contact” section and specify the period you want and I will try ASAP to find it for you.
Q: What does LIFETIME WARRANTY mean ?
A: LIFETIME WARRANTY is an indefinite period of time that can be granted to a product well beyond the warranty period given by the official site / manufacturer, because they in most cases do not offer this type of warranty for financial reasons. This lifetime warranty may be granted to a product in this store as long as the supplier of that product can offer it.
Q: I need a product that does not currently exist in your store or exists but has stock 0. Can you help me ?
A: Use the “Contact” section and specify the official link, full name and other details of the desired product. I will try ASAP to find it and bring it to the store.
Upon request, using the “Contact” section or by writing directly to: [email protected] I can bring any kind of streaming account from any category, software, antivirus and many more. Just ask !
Your request must include the link of the desired product and the full name, version, etc.