Music made
Royalty-free samples. Industry-leading software. Expert-led tutorials. Make music with Splice.
Find that sound in your head Splice is the industry’s highest quality, royalty-free sample library. Get access to millions of sounds made by top artists, labels, and sound designers—all available at your fingertips.
Learn from the best with Skills Splice Skills offers a steady stream of tutorials from the experts and artists you love. Learn the fundamentals to start your first track or dive into the details with advanced techniques.
A new way to use Sounds Build beats, shape your sound, and explore an exclusive collection of presets created and curated by industry pros and the artists you love with Splice’s new plugins, Beatmaker and Astra.
Build your digital studio Stack your studio with industry-leading plugins. With Rent-to-Own financing, you can pay them off monthly and own them forever.
Stay in sync Back up your project files in the cloud with unlimited free storage, add artists to collaborate on your tracks.
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